Niw Englisc Wiki

Engelland is an Land, þe is Dæl þes Geanlæhten Kynreices. It dælþ Landmarken mid Scottland in norðen, and Wiellenland in westen; þie Irisce Sæ is on norþwesten, þie Keltisce Sæ on suþwesten, and þie Norþe Sæ on easten, mid þer Engliscen Flode on suðen, þie it of kontinentaler Europa ofdælþ. Mæst Engellands befængþ þen middlen and suðen þes Ieȝlands Greatbrytens in Norðem Atlantiscen Garsecg. Þat Land klemmþ eak ofer 100 smællere Ieȝlande, swilce Scilly and Wiht.
